Novi Hara
Band Bolzano (BZ)
In tutta Italia
Prezzo su richiesta

Genere di musica

dance, musica dance, pop

Genere di band

cover band, progetto originale

Genere di eventi

convegno, evento aziendale, evento istituzionale, festival

Tipologia di pubblico

per adulti, per coppie, per giovani, per gruppi

Novi Hara is not just a band, it’s an immersive experience that invites you to dance, connect, and celebrate life through music. Infusing modern EDM influences with the soundscaped, Novi Hara creates an electrifying atmosphere that encourages the audience to move with intention and presence.

The name “Novi Hara” embodies the fusion of the two founders, Noiret and Vinicio, symbolizing the dynamic harmony and vibrant energy that pulses through their music. The original compositions blend infectious rhythms, uplifting melodies, and empowering lyrics that inspire movement and self-discovery.
Hara is a Japanese term that means “belly”, “abdomen”. It describes the part of the human body from which all its vital energies arise. But in Japanese tradition and culture as well as in many of its arts, “Hara” covers a wider meaning than just the anatomical one and is seen as the supporting axis, the center of gravity, the deepest and most vital place of man to the point of being considered as the true strength of the original energy.

Guided by the rhythm of the music and the beat of their hearts, Novi Hara invites you to unleash your inner dancer and let go of inhibitions. Each song is an invitation to express yourself fully, to connect with others, and to savor the present moment with every step and sway.
Quanto dura la tua esibizione?
  • Da decidere con chi mi ingaggia
Quanto tempo prima vuoi essere contattato?
  • Due settimane
Fai trasferte?
  • Sì, in tutta italia
Hai bisogno di attrezzature particolari?
  • No
Da quanti elementi è composta la tua band?
  • Dalle 3 alle 5 persone
Servizi aggiuntivi
  • Cover
  • Strumenti musicali

Gli ultimi visualizzati

Novi Hara
Bolzano (BZ) -> In tutta Italia
Chef eddi
Zermeghedo (VI) -> Fino a 100 km
Caserta (CE) -> Fino a 200 km
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Ponzano Veneto (TV) -> Fino a 50 km
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Saviano (NA) -> In tutta Italia
Monte Porzio Catone (RM)
Gianluigi magic
Firenze (FI) -> Fino a 200 km
James Mentalist
Milano (MI) -> In tutta Italia

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